Reconnect with yourself this fall

Hey there, Reader,

A hurricane just passed here in Central Florida (and other parts of the state). It was a strong one this year.

And while it can and has had devastating effects for many (those on the west coast are in my prayers), I find that it creates space for pause and reflection — time to slow down and focus on simple things.

Stores are closed, no cars are on the road and schools and businesses are closed... it feels as though life has stopped.

As I stepped out this morning, I felt the beautiful cool breeze that I appreciate so much during this time of year (no humidity!) and thought to myself that while life can get busy, it doesn't mean we have to disconnect from ourselves. We don't need a hurricane to slow us down and bring us to presence.

So with that in mind, here are four ways you can reconnect with yourself as you head into fall:

  1. Create white space on your calendar to spend time alone to be present and be creative in the moment.
  2. Before bed, treat yourself to a light bath with sea salt and essential oils to raise your vibration and open your intuition.
  3. Set an intention for yourself and your business for the fall and engage in visualization or meditation.
  4. Start a journal to record intuitive messages or new creative ideas.

👉🏽 Check out this post on Instagram and leave me a comment with “reconnecting with myself" so I know you read this! 🥰 💫


Video is one of the most popular content formats on social media — and for good reason. It's the best way to catch and capture our attention and because of this, social platforms continue to prioritize and reward our adoption of video. So, if it's not already part of your content strategy, it may be time to consider it. 😊

In this week's video I share five ways you can increase engagement on your social media videos (plus a handy tool I love that helps you easily incorporate all five techniques).

Watch It Now »

🫶🏽 Be Nice to Her - The Podcast

Practicing the art of self-compassion along our entrepreneur journey for GREATER freedom

We tend to look for physical touch and affection from others. But what if we could practice self-compassion by providing physical affection for ourselves? What if we could hold ourselves and evoke both the energy of fierce and tender self-compassion to support us in different ways?

Check out the latest episode on Evoking Tender & Fierce Self-Compassion with Physical Affection:

🔥 DIY Resources

Business Foundations Bundlesignature worksheets and checklists for mapping your business goals, establishing your niche, discovering your brand message, setting goals and metrics for success, and a done-for-you financial checklist to create a thriving business that stands apart from the competition.

The Perfect Pitcha done-for-you strategic roadmap to launching, managing and tracking a successful podcast tour (or Speaking Gig Tour!) for your business.

Ready to go beyond DIY and build a profitable, sustainable business? Learn more about how I can help here.


Denisse Marie

P.S. Know someone that would find this email helpful? Share the love and forward it to a friend, family member or colleague. ❤️

Hi! I'm Denisse Marie

I help women leverage marketing and business systems to bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. Join my growing community of ambitious women entrepreneurs who are getting leverage in their businesses with marketing tactics, business efficiency tips, and self-compassion practices along the way.

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