Which of these small business mistakes are you making?

Hi, Reader,

While we’re living in a time when it’s easy to start a business and make money, it takes a lot more to succeed and create a long-term, sustainable business.

In the United States, 40% of the population has a side hustle (around 70 million people 😳). And while you’d assume that the main reason why so many people start a side hustle is to earn extra money to make ends meet (it’s the third top reason), the #1 reason is to create more personal freedom.

And yet, it’s all too easy to get trapped into creating another job for yourself vs. a side hustle you can turn into a full-time business that sustains you long-term.

We fall into the mentality of “hustle culture,” which is that one must work all day, every day, in pursuit of our goals. We’ll work as much as we need to gain the personal freedom we long for, which ironically is only taking us in the opposite direction.

Today, “hustle culture” is normalized, so it can be challenging to identify when you’re stuck in a “2nd job" and trading your time for money in order to to take steps to break out of it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about working hard to reach goals, and I believe that you have to make certain sacrifices when you’re first starting a business — or what I like to refer to as an investment of time and resources, BUT “hustle-mode” can be quicksand if you’re not careful.

This is why I started the video series, 5 Mistakes Keeping Business Owners in Hustle-Mode (and how to grow your business with ease and flow).

If you've been keeping up with the series, the last and final video is finally live.

In this 5th video, I share why establishing a foundation for your business is so important for sustainability, especially during challenging times like we're living in now. Watch it here.

And if you'd like to catch up on the full series, access the full playlist here.


Systematizing your marketing not only supports you in being consistent (one of the critical factors in generating results), but it also provides the steps to go from where you are to where you want to be.

And it doesn't have to be complicated — systems can be simple and are vital to scaling your business.

They help you step away from being the operator of your business and, when well-designed and tested, create time and cost efficiencies, improve performance, and increase profits.

Check out the five must-have systems every entrepreneur needs that I shared on Instagram last week.

And let me know if in the comments 👉🏽 Do you have one or more of these systems in place? What system do you see the best results from? Or, what system would you like to add to your business?

🎙 Be Nice to Her - The Podcast

Supporting ambitious women entrepreneurs in practicing the art of self-compassion so they can experience GREATER freedom in their lives.

What does giving yourself grace mean to you? What do you do to practice giving yourself grace? In the latest Be Nice to Her episode, we explore Grace.

Check out the latest episode on:

🔥 DIY Resources

Business Foundations Bundlesignature worksheets and checklists for mapping your business goals, establishing your niche, discovering your brand message, setting goals and metrics for success, and a done-for-you financial checklist to create a thriving business that stands apart from the competition.

The Perfect Pitcha done-for-you strategic roadmap to launching, managing and tracking a successful podcast tour (or Speaking Gig Tour!) for your business.

🚀 Ready to kick off your freedom revolution?

I help ambitious women know which direction to go, where their focus should be, and how to create the results they want in their business (and with self-compassion along the way) 👉🏽 Schedule a Discovery Call


Until next week. ❤️


Denisse Marie

P.S. Know someone that would find this email helpful? Share the love and forward it to a friend, family member or colleague. ❤️

Hi! I'm Denisse Marie

I help women leverage marketing and business systems to bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. Join my growing community of ambitious women entrepreneurs who are getting leverage in their businesses with marketing tactics, business efficiency tips, and self-compassion practices along the way.

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